Stargazing, Astronomy and Auroras Show

Short Description

Experience the night sky and take a simulated trip to the universe comfortably indoors!


Planetarium show

Getting you acquainted with the basics of the night sky in a small planetarium. The basics of sky, the science and the myths associated with the objects. We will try to answer all your questions.

Science of Auroras

  • How auroras are created
  • How to predict them on long and short term and when it is worth going aurora hunting
  • How an aurora show usually takes place

We will present you with the knowledge and tips for your future aurora hunting.

Virtual Universe Tour

After the planetarium show we will take you on a computer simulated trip with 3 meter screen to see the universe near and far. The tour starts from our solar system, seeing the planets, moons and asteroids and taking your further and further into the universe. We will tell you about the most interesting areas of space exploration and research done today. You can also yourself wish on places to visit and things to see and we will take you virtually there to see.


Our purpose is to let you experience comfortably indoors the wonders of the night sky and learn about astronomy and auroras. Our program prepares you well for later, when you will be outdoors skywatching so that you know what to look for and enjoy it more.

In our planetarium you can get familiar with the night sky and its objects and movements. We tell you about the science of auroras and give observation tips. We will also fly you on a virtual tour to the universe to understand what the objects on the sky really are like.

The planetarian Mikko Suominen has got 17 years experience of working in the field of popular astronomy and 29 years experience as amateur astronomer, so there are very few things you can’t get answer to. Naturally astronomy still has many open questions, but you will hear theories on those too.

The place is IvaloCenter, an old school building, located just 1 kilometer from the village center.

Good to Know

The place is IvaloCenter, and old school located 1 kilometer from the Ivalo village center. We will meet you at the main door.

If you come with your own car, park the car on the outer parking place, on your right 30 meters after turning from Kirkkokuja to the school’s own road after the post boxes.

Contact us if you have questions or trouble on your way. You can reach us with the phone number +358 447 445 431, also WhatsApp or by email.